All in Calisthenics

Liquid Chalk vs Block Chalk for Workouts. Which is best?

One of the most important aspects of calisthenics is a good grip. Grip strength is used and tested in many different body weight exercises. It is particularly important for doing pull ups, dips and muscle ups on the bar or rings. 

However it doesn't matter how strong your grip strength is, if the surface you are trying to hold becomes too slippery, you will not be able to maintain grip.

Here we discuss what is the best option for assisting with grip of either Liquid chalk or traditional block chalk in terms of

  1. Price

  2. Performance

  3. Skin allergy

  4. Portability

  5. Which leaves the least mess

Weight calisthenics combines the functional compound movements of calisthenics and the added benefit of increasing resistance with weights. This is most commonly with a weight belt or a body weighted vest. Some exercises lend them selves better to this approach then others such as dips, pull ups and push ups. This article looks at how this method can be used increase strength and muscle gains.